
untitled day #19

today was interesting --

a long day, an early beginning at 7:45 AM
in order to "source my imagination"
like my ancestors, the surrealists
subconscious experiments
and exercises in sentimentality, in memory.

We devised exquisite corpses - \
drew from each-others minds
haunting scenes from an archetypal memory
comprised of bees and trees and territorial birds.

Then ate lunch.

Rode down to the South End
"South End Open Studio Weekend" (field trip!)
Me and my new friend Grace
(and my class, and teacher Kathy, a very wise lady)

Anyway me and grace
conversed on life here in limbo, the Combined Degrees,
stuck between art and academics
lured by the freedom of art school
and driven away by the isolation of university.

Took the T with sandra
saw a strange concentration of stoners at Park ST station
and decided tonight wasn't for going home quite yet

realized it was hempfest(?! since when is there such a thing)
walked my bike into the festival as various types
dreadlocks, dyed hair, and leaves painted on faces left,
sufficiently immersed in the cannabis culture

Met a Roman from my dorm
and his roommate

stayed for a while,
watched a street band and a man talking about 'Boston's got balls'
(as a crowd gathered)
I met two kids
Adam and Danielle(sp?)
adam and i shared a septum experience
and so it went
sketchbooks exchanged
drawings drawn
(it was real cold by this time)
but it wasn't even night

shivering we walked
walked to Max's/Josh's? house
(note: party ensues)

and then I left
biking home was a sweaty cold
wheezing mess
the cold dry northeastern
(newengland) air stings my throat

the last block home is always the slowest.

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