
been writing alot lately.
poems, stories, fables,
also been reading alot

freud's the interpretation of dreams
the dictionary of symbols
and an idiot's guide to hypnosis

want to read
carl jung man and his symbols
finish invisible man by ralph ellison
anything on cryptography

got a couple new buns in the oven
(idea-wise) and the usual three day hump of getting into summer is over now
came to a realization

i like to do "serious, meaningful" conceptual artwork but sometimes it messes with my head. It just gets to be too much; I get too serious and self-critical, and it stops being fun, so i become hard on myself and very self-deprecating. I cannot be a serious artist all the time. Sometimes i just want to draw superheroes and comics. So yes, my artwork is not always so serious and deep. But what is? Art isn't, and life definitely isn't.

happy friday the thirteenth,
too bad for all you paraskavedekatriaphobics
and crusaders, those 701 years ago.

1 comment:

Word! said...

Comic & superhero illustrations tend to be a very high form of art. Each requiring a variety of skill, creativity, vision, and committment to style. It is a very high visual art in the modern era. Beware the tendancy of critics and teachers to use the "low art vs high art" model to minimize them. Afterall Michaelangelo was great at doing super heroes. What a comic-superhero illustrator he was. Not to mention the Eygptians and most cultures at their visual root.
www.dablackage.blogspot.com Keep it coming!!!!!!